boys floorball

The boys florbal is the most popular optional subject on our school. Every boy studying on Grammar school Šlapanice can take part in this subject. Anyone can play, there are no limitations, doesn't matter if you are a rookie or an experienced player. We are playing for fun and to tighten the bond between one another.

Every year FTG Šlapanice (Floorball team of Grammar school Šlapanice) takes part in many tournaments. The highest ranked tournaments are “KB Challenge” and “Tournament for the South moravian regional governor award”. One of our biggest achievements is third place in a regional course of the KB Challenge from January 2020. The team is divided into two age groups, those are the younger ones (prima-kvarta) and the older ones (kvinta-oktáva). In the 2019/20 season only practices for the younger group are being held and that's every Tuesday in Orlovna building from 3.P.M. to 5.P.M.

girls floorball

Girls floorball classes are very popular among students of our school. All girls, studying at our school, can participate in this optional class. They are not limited by age, or their skill. This means that even amateurs can visit and try to play.

We are playing floorball mainly for fun, even though, a few times a year we take part in a tournament, in two, by age divided categories. These are the younger ones (prima-kvarta) and the older ones (kvinta-oktáva) One of our achievements includes a third place in a regional tournament, won by our older team and a fourth place, also in regional tournament, won by our younger team. This year, practices are taking place in Orlovna building, every monday from 3.P.M. to 4.P.M. and every thursday at the same time. Orlovna building is located on Šlapanice square. The building is newly renovated and equipped.