Miloš Vojtěch

Miloš Vojtěch

Basic Introduction

Our beloved Mr. Vojtěch has been teaching for 31 years. Who would say that when he looks so young. He has only been at our school for four years, but during such a short period of time he has been able to give our students numerous knowledge. Mr. Vojtěch taught at Primary school Jihomoravské náměstí in Slatina, later at Moravské gymnázium on Veveří street. However, he spent the longest part of his teaching life at the high school for disabled at Kociánka, where he was for 16 years. Which, in his own words, had to leave some consequences on his body and his soul. As for other insignificant information, Mr. Vojtěch graduated from the Faculty of education of Jan Evangelista Purkyně (UJEP) in Brno. At the previous schools, he taught the same subjects as here, namely German language, Czech language and civic education.

Teaching style

He uses worksheets and listening exercises abundantly. His tests are based on the worksheets. Expect him to want a two-month-old worksheet, so I recommend not to pack a snack in the older ones, they will still be useful. I really do not wish you to listen to a listening exercise called "Durch Europa auf dem Kamel" (through Europe on a camel), which we have been discussing for the longest time (similarity to the last question in the interview is purely coincidental, author's note). We had Mr. Vojtěch just for one year after Mrs. Bičanová. You can imagine the shock. The discipline is definitely indispensable for building the basics, but the lessons with Mr. Vojtěch brought us less stress. He is never angry at us for our mistakes, because people aren't perfect and mistakes can be corrected. But please repeat them as little as possible!


How long have You been teaching?

From the end of August 1988 to the beginning of March 2019, altogether 31 years. And I'd like to stay a little longer.

How long have You been teaching at grammar school in Šlapanice?

This is just my fourth year, compared to some of my more experienced colleagues I am just an overgrown rookie.

Where did You teach before?

The first school I worked at was the elementary school Jihomoravské náměstí in Brno-Slatina, where I got my first teacher drops. Thanks for them. I was a class teacher for the first time, wonderful years. This was followed by a private Moravské gymnázium on Veveří street also in Brno, a great school of teaching life. The penultimate school before grammar school in Šlapanice was the high school for the disabled Kociánka. I have been there for 16 years. Physically disabled people will open a world that we, happier and healthier ones, know a very little about. In both good and more complicated way.

Why do You teach German?

One has to make living with something, money orders do not wait. In addition I really enjoy working with young people and everything what is called teaching. Well most of the time, but thanks for holidays.

How would You entice students to choose German?

By trying to teach them something and if they do not resist that much, they will be able to learn something and therefore I would gladly compliment them. That will make them (some of them) happy, and because of that they will be maybe less annoyed by learning so they will learn more, then I could compliment them again and...And over and over like a spiral. When both sides develop some activity, it could work out well. At least I hope. When watching the retirement age, I'm in the weaker half of my career so I will continue to work on the enticement.

Why do You teach in Šlapanice? And how do You like to teach here?

Great school, students, teachers, people connected to this school. I like eating in the school canteen and I hope I'm not alone. I really enjoy teaching here and I'm very happy here. But again thanks for weekends.

Do You prefer German or Czech?

I enjoy both of them. It's a nice change, along with the civic education. Three subjects contribute to variety, so the brain switches to a different mode during the day. It doesn't work so bad. Yet.

What was it like to teach Your son?

I didn't see it that way. He was just a student like any other, I wasn't nicer or stricter on him. He was just another one from the class I tried to teach something. I think it may have been more difficult to him, his classmates' opinion might have differed from mine.

What is Your favourite German word?

If it can be more than one - Mittagspause (lunch break), Sommerferien (summer holidays), Lohntag (pay day).

Which type of transport would You choose when traveling across Europe?

Definitely a car with a bicycle on the roof. But not to Leipzig anymore, they borrow the bikes here and never return them.