
The name for this new popular sport is different in each country. In its homeland - the Czech republic, they call it čavol. Because of its popularity, Chawol has spread far from its homeland and got its other names. In French, it’s Chavoulle, in German Pütschawolle, in Russian, where Chawol is incredibly popular especially with drunken people, they call it чавол.

Chawol is a very popular modern team sport which combines gymnastics, athletics and tourism. The sport first saw the day light near Šlapanice in the nineteenth century and since these times, a huge number of athlets from all around the world have already fallen for Chawol.

The goal of the game is to build a pyramid from a team of three players. There are two types of players in the team. One of them is called rideroser and his task is to perform a sequence of exercises while he’ s erected between two stoolers. While he´s doing this, the stoolers has to be always moving. The whole choreography has three parts (tempuses) and the roles between rireroser and stoolers change for each part. That’ s why all the players has to be in a perfect physical condition. There are several types of Chawol, which are each a bit different.

Types of Chawol

Classical - It’s the basic type of Chawol, when the whole team is dressed in normal sportswear. The stoolers are moving in a fluent walking pace and the terrain is smooth without obstacles and holes.

Traditional - This is the oldest type of Chawol. During the game, the whole team is dressed in folk costumes or suits. This type is performed on special occasions.

Thursday’s - It is only allowed to perform this type of Chawol on the special occasions that take place on Thursday. The rules are clear in this case - the only place where athletes can perform it is the portage of the church. The most famous place of the Thursday’s Chawol is the Šlapanice church. It is the Mekka of all chawolists and each proper chawolist should once in his life make a pilmilgrage there.

Extreme - This is a very high - level type of Chawol, which can be performed only by the bests of the best. Athletes on this level have to be in a good running condition to be able to run away from police fans, who could ask for identity papers to know who are these bests. Favourite places for performing Chawol are: trampoline, a balance beam, an unknown terrain, during running or a public transport.