The Code

Chawol always has been moving between life filosophy and recreational sport. The thinking of some members is really close to thinking of tourists. Other chawolists incline to the gymnastics way of thinking but that way does not bring the inner happiness. But this athletes are usually physically better than those with the tourists thinking. All of them follow the Code which slightly outlines their lifeway. The Code does not command it just supposes to keep the calm in souls of chawolists and brings needed balance. We can see the power of the Code in time of sustained riots and moral crisis with which ones ordinary chawolist cannot handle their selfs. In these times, the Code is always near, to return certainty and moments of unfounded happiness.

1. Do not search the life essence, live for the present moment.

2. If it comes to flatter - and it happens, the flattered subject is obliged to defend himself.

3. Prefere your own work while making a mistake.

4. Search Chawol in the little things.

5. Do not set the alarm, if it would ring at the time when sun already shines - you will wake up because of the sunshine anyway, man! (after the reformation goes also for women and other).

6. Instead of working, exploit your room-mates, you need to concentrate on sport.

7. Do not be afraid of the absence of the morality.

8. If you want to run from problems, choose the shortest way and don’t care about the direction.

9. When it is possible to see something beautiful, use the comparison which will disgust this thing to other people, if it will not turn to something disgusting, then you found something really beautiful. So positive for you.

10. Of course you can have doubts, but keep calm.

11. Try to find the tiniest gym outfit, as tiny as possible to wear for you. You will save your room-mate’s money.

12. Do the good, but only if you would not be ashamed of it.

13. Convince the others of the truth of the Code, using point number thirteen.

14. Try to make a new point of the Code in the shower, or make something useful. But don’t you dare to stay in the bath whole day.

15. Try to solve the contetions with a beer.

16. Don’t remember the past alone. Never.

17. If your body needs it, have fun, at the expense of others, if it is necessary.

18. If your spirit needs it, be happy, but never at the expense of others.

19. Express your opinion most often by the TV.

20. If a bear reads the Code with you, or some wonderer does, don’t let him be misunderstood.