
Organization Aiesec:

AIESEC is the biggest student organization in the world. The organization is active in 100 countries and in 1600 universities. AIESEC approaches in innovate way to engage and develope young people. It is open to all students who want to actively work on their personal development, who are flexible and communicative, like working in the team and have no problem with cultural understanding.
AIESEC is the biggest student organization in the world. It has got 35 000 of members in more than 107 countries in the world and 1700 universities.
Branches: Brno, Zlín, Praha, Karvinná, Olomouc, Plzeň, Ostrava, Hradec Králové

The project EDISON provides schools:
32 trainees from different countries in 32 schools. They work with 6400 high school students.
Map of AIESEC branches in the Czech republic



How does it work?:
  • One week
  • 5-7 undergraduate students representing their countries (with presentations and discussions)
  • Comparing with Czech Republic
  • All especially in English
  • Timetable adapted to school

Our school was visited by:
Jacyara Pianes from Brazil
Fiorella Diaz Suarez from Peru
Madalina Plesoiu from Romania
Evgeniy Kapustin from Russia
Jelena Kokić from Croatia

AIESEC Czech Republic National office of AIESEC in the Czech Republic
Tel - office: +420 224 235 192
Address: Senovážná 2, 110 00 Praha 1 (show on map)

Grammar school Šlapanice

State grammar school in Šlapanice
This Grammar school provides eight-year study with general orientation. The school offers high school education ended by maturita exam. Our educational goal is to prepare students for studying at universities.

Project EDISON mediated:
Mgr. Buchta Karel
Approbation: religion, English
Teaches: religion, English

Mgr. Horák David
Approbation: history, English
Teaches: English
Other information: coach of floorball girl´ s team

Foreign students took teaching of language lessons and also the other lessons. They also made big projects when thy all the morning stent with one class( kvarta-octava) in terms of multicultural education. Students who were not sure if they can handle the lessons with foreign students they found out very soon that communication in foreign languages is fine, they are successful.

Address: Gymnázium a Základní umělecká škola, Šlapanice, Riegrova 17
Riegrova 17
Šlapanice 664 51
(show on map)

Phone number: 544 228 017
Fax: 544 228 085

Mgr. Hana Richterová -

Deputy director:
Mgr. Zdeněk Sklenář -
